Legacy announces Miller as board chair

National non-profit organization is devoted to tobacco control

Tom MillerDES MOINES –  Legacy, the country’s largest non-profit public health organization dedicated to ending tobacco use across the nation, on April 6 announced Attorney General Tom Miller as its new chairman.

Miller has served on the Legacy board of directors since 2008.

“Attorney General Miller is a dedicated advocate for consumers and an insightful, determined and collaborative leader. Nowhere has that been more evident than in his work to protect and prevent young people from the tobacco epidemic,” said Legacy CEO & president Robin Koval. “His commitment to our mission, in particular our ‘truth’ campaign, will help guide Legacy’s work to achieve a culture where all youth and young adults reject tobacco.”

The national youth smoking prevention “truth” campaign seeks significant declines in youth smoking.

“I am truly honored to serve as Legacy’s chair,” Miller said. “I have a long track record of working hard to eradicate tobacco use in Iowa and across the country—a job that’s not yet finished,” Miller added. “Tobacco use causes more preventable death in the U.S. than any other danger, and our biggest challenge is to make tobacco use a thing of the past for our youngest generation.”

Miller, the longest serving state attorney general in the United States, was a leader in the 1998 multistate Master Settlement Agreement that resulted in the tobacco industry paying billions of dollars to the states and changing the way it conducts business.

There are 11 members on the Legacy board, including two governors, two state attorneys general and two state legislators, all appointed on a bipartisan basis. The board also includes five experts in medicine, child psychology and public health disciplines, and the board appoints two youth liaisons.

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